brief after-Turkey-Day updates

This is the first time I’ve been online for any reason since the afternoon of November 25th, so I’m quite behind in reading others’ blogs and in updating my own.

We had a good Thanksgiving this year.  We ate turkey and dressing and bread and potatoes, and we watched several episodes of Stargate: SG-1 on dvd, and the cats learned an important lesson:  always save room for pie.  🙂

Latest update for fans of my clone’s novels:  He has started integrating a secondary story thread that ties The Madness Engine even more strongly to “that novel.”  I’m very excited about it, and I want to tell everything I know about the story so far, but I shall resist, if only because saying too much now would ruin the fun.  He’s planning to post a “teaser” from The Madness Engine sometime before the novel is published, though.  (*barely suppresses a wicked laugh*)

About Thomas Weaver

For several years, I’ve been putting my uncanny knack for grammar and punctuation, along with an eclectic mental collection of facts, to good use as a Wielder of the Red Pen of Doom (editor). I'm physically disabled, and I currently live with my smugly good-looking twin Paul, who writes military science fiction and refuses to talk about his military service because he can’t. Sometimes Paul and I collaborate on stories, and sometimes I just edit whatever he writes. It's worked out rather well so far. My list of non-writing-related jobs from the past includes librarian, art model, high school teacher, science lab gofer… Although I have no spouse or offspring to tell you about, I do have several cats. I currently spend my time blogging, reading, editing, and fending off cats who like my desk better than my twin’s.
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1 Response to brief after-Turkey-Day updates

  1. milliethom says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break. It sounds as though you all have a lovely time, over there. Is it a strict, pre-Christmas diet now?

    Liked by 1 person

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